This is week two of our four week video blog series. We hope you enjoyed the first one. This second one is really interesting even though there is no dialogue.
Video: Sand Fantasy – You’ve Got a Friend
    Artist: Ilana Yahav              Refresh the audio
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About the Video


Although there’s no audio in this video, creating art with something as simple as sand is amazing.  The lady in this video is making all the pictures from just one ingredient – sand.

About the Artist

The artist, Ilana Yahav, draws pictures with sand on a glass table.  You can see more of her videos on her website,

Video's Dialogue


There is no video this week, however the video will make you want to talk.

Message from Sloan

No matter how many times I watch this video, I am always mesmerized by the images.  As I watch the screen transformed, I wonder if the artist makes this look easier than it is.  The creativeness of using sand to make beautiful pictures is inspiring.  What inspires you to be creative in your life?  We’d love to hear about your creativeness!