For the next 4 weeks we will attempt to provide interesting videos with a little background information, and will provide the dialogue from the video. You can click the audio button to listen to the the written information. Please send us your comments about our 4 week project. Hope you enjoy the videos.
Video: Frozen Grand Central Station
         Group: Improv Everywhere     Refresh the audio   
(audio)  About the Video
Every day, over 500,000 people rush through Grand Central Station in New York City.  On a cold Saturday afternoon, the world’s largest train station came to a sudden halt.  207 Improv Everywhere agents froze in place at the exact same second for five minutes in Grand Central Station.  Only the agents knew what was happening – the public had no idea why these people were not moving! 
Who is your favorite agent?
(audio)    About the Group

There is a group in America called Improv Everywhere (improv is short for improvisational) and they do various “pranks” in public places.  They organize a group of volunteers, called “agents,” to do a prank at the same time at the same location.  Only the undercover agents know when and where the prank will happen!

Improv Everywhere’s mission is to show people that a prank doesn’t have to be embarrassing or dangerous - it can be as simple as making someone laugh, smile, or stop to notice the world around them.

(Play video)  Video Narration
Bullhorn Man:  “All right, thanks for coming out everybody.  Really excited that all you guys are here.  We’ve got a really exciting mission that we’re going to be doing today.  We’re going to be freezing in place on cue at the exact second.  We’re going to hold that for 5 minutes and then we’re gonna unfreeze, and we’re out.”
    Video On-screen text
(Play video)  Video's Dialogue

Man #1: Did you see that guy over there?
Woman #1: They stopped what they were doing and just stood like, like frozen.
Man #2: How long has this been happening?
Man #3: I don’t know.
Bullhorn Man: I just walked in. Has it been going on for awhile?
Man #4: No.
Woman #2: I don’t think so.
Man #4: Cause this guy just dropped the papers a couple minutes ago, about a minute ago, not even.
Boy: Yeah, look at that lady over there.
Man #5: It’s like everybody.

Driver: I can’t move my cart. There’s, there’s, there’s hundreds of people frozen everywhere. This is wild.

Man #6: This is so weird
Woman #3: I know, I don’t understand what’s going on.
Man #6: I don’t either.
Man #7: I think it’s some kind of protest probably.
Man #8: It’s either that or an acting class.
Driver: They are not moving. I can’t move my cart. I, I need some help.
Agents unfreeze
Driver: Eh, never mind, they’re, they’re moving.
Man #9: That is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.
Woman #4: I know, it’s really cool!


A Message from Sloan
I think one ability that we should exercise in 2009 is creativity and persistence. This video series in my attempt to do that. I am fortunate to have Kristin helping me on this project.
Popjisyo Online Dictionary


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You will now be able to use the on-line dictionary when you need to learn the meaning of a word. If you have problems opening the on-line dictiionary click here to watch the video.

April 11,2009